About Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual reality is a computer-generated digital environment that allows you to experience another "reality". Virtual reality transports you sensorially in a different environment than the one in which you are physically. With the help of this technology, you can take a walk on the moon, visit a museum on another continent, watch a movie from an observation point in the middle of the events, or join the action of a video game, all without leaving the room in where are you

Not to be confused with Augmented Reality, which aims to keep your attention in your environment and enrich it with digital elements. In short, virtual reality helps you digitally explore a jungle, while augmented reality allows you to see a jungle animal transposed into your living room. Virtual reality is a relatively new communication medium whose uses are still being discovered and defined. The current areas of use, as well as the directions foreseen for development, are summarized in the following lines.

Entertainment: As mentioned above, movies and video games are an area where the technology is already being applied, and a new chapter can be represented by VR broadcasts of concerts, plays or competition shows broadcast on the Internet or on TV. As appropriate, scenarios experienced in VR can be passive (only to be watched) or interactive (observers can choose and influence the course of action).

Architecture and design: Imagine how useful it is to design and arrange a space with digital tools, without making all the effort involved in traveling to the site or moving objects in different combinations until you reach a final formula. The VR environment can also be used collaboratively in projects that need the simultaneous "presence" of several creators or decision-makers.

Training and simulations: Scientific fields such as medicine, chemistry, physics, astronomy, aerospace and others can all benefit from the help of virtual reality if we think about those who are preparing to excel professionally. Medical students can witness operations without risk factors, pilots can practice common techniques or exceptional situations, product designers can customize objects or parts, make them work together, all without the actual production costs.

Tourism and expeditions: Virtual tourism can take you to extreme places, such as the farthest point of Antarctica, the bottom of the ocean or another planet. Regardless of whether it is an environment created on the computer or an environment recorded with an immersive capture device (see Virtual Tree services), you can transpose yourself, directly from your room, to the most remote places that Man has explored throughout his history.

Psychology: Think about what it would be like to face your fears and phobias without having to actually encounter the situations or triggers of the fear. Virtual environments can also offer relaxation spaces, where you can disconnect and calm your thoughts.

Important purchases or online shopping: Whether it's a product on the shelf or a house you want to visit to buy, you can be "there" using a VR exploration tool. Virtual reality can also be linked to the retail sector very effectively, placing in the digital space direct links to product pages where the respective items can be bought online. We find that a new reminder is in order here to inform yourself about Virtual Tree services for a deeper understanding of this idea.

Socializing and Presence in Common Spaces: Even though you experience virtual reality from the comfort of your home, it doesn't mean you can't be part of a crowd in the space you digitally visit. There are virtual spaces that allow interaction between visitors and offer different experiences (e.g. competitive activities, socializing, collaboration in educational, profit-making projects, etc.).

Virtual reality represents a breakthrough in the technological development of humanity, and it is a chapter that is just beginning to be written. However, as with any digital technology, elements such as common sense, good faith and responsibility towards oneself and towards other users are what can transform VR from a tool with (yet) undefined potential, in a tool for positive development of the society in which we live.

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Until next time!